Monday, June 28, 2010

Catching up

I go through cycles - much like the washing machine.

{Agitate} This weekend, I thought long and hard about people I haven't seen or talked to in far too long - including one of my best friends. How do I let this thing called life get in the way? Well, I am here to rededicate my attention. Recent losses have me thinking about the time we's not much.

{Rinse} So, to you - my dearest friend from the northwest... words cannot express how much I miss gardening (never thought you'd hear that from me, did you?), cooking and mixing the strangest (yet, tasty) concoctions with you. You know all the ins and outs of me...mostly before I do. This one is for you: An old memory.

{Spin} It's time for me to reconnect - even if I can't get out of the whirlwind (or Spin cycle, as it were) - to catch back up with all my friends, even if just through this post and a few follow up emails.

Now, on to the dryer and the never-ending search for that other sock!

1 comment:

  1. I was raised in the North. We were taught about the Civil War; however, that was the end of it. There was no reason to discuss it anywhere else. It was over. Period.

    It wasn't until I moved to the South that I realized that the people, who lose a war, don't forget. It goes on, and on, and on. Nobody alive today was in the Civil War, but in the South it is constantly brought up. So much so, that when the Governor of the state proposes that we take the "Stars and Bars" battle flag off of the State flag, he gets driven out of office.

    As Americans, we need to remember this little note about human nature. Someday we'll have to deal with all of the countries that we have defeated in a war... they aren't forgetting that they lost either.
