Friday, August 19, 2011


"Do Over!" We used to yell that as kids on the playground when something got messed up or was no longer going the way we hoped.

If I could do it over, I'd enjoy more of my teen years. Really get to know the Edie of 14-20... and, maybe study a little harder.

If I could do it over, I'd spend more time with my nieces as they were growing, they grew up WAY too fast.

If I could do it over, I would keep that house in would almost be paid off by now.

Even with this list, there are not many things I want to repeat - but there are times when I wish I could change what I said, how I reacted or just the events that followed.

Now is one of those times.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


It's been 20 years since highschool...a little shocking really and, I know - predictable. But as I have been preparing for our gathering, I've been thinking about all that happened while we were there and all that has happened since. We walked in very young- directly from elementary school and only 8 years out of pre-school. We learned a lot in our classes and more than we should have from our elders.

I think of the questions that will be asked and the answers I'll be prepared to give...

I was. I am. I don't. And, I Wouldn't change a thing.

I was... Stuff happens and I'm better for it.
I am... And proud of it
I don't, but yours are lovely...
And, just like the end of our time in school, I wouldn't change a thing.