Wednesday, June 9, 2010

First things first...

After the Valdez spill in March of 1989, Exxon Oil Company seemed to take a less aggressive approach to cleanup than the nation expected. Following the scenes of clean up crews with paper towels on the evening news, many people sent their shredded Exxon Gas Cards back to the company with just a touch of oil added to the envelope. Here's the the time, the Valdez spill was among the largest man-made environmental disasters. It spilled an approximate 250,000 gallons of oil in Prince William Sound.

No one knows quite yet how much oil has been spilled into the Gulf of Mexico. But we're beyond day 50 and the estimate is between 12,000 and 25,000 gallons are pouring in daily. Do the math. 600,000 to 1,250,000 gallons have been released into our water, our environment.

On Sunday, Tony Hayward, CEO of BP said, "I'd like my life back." He has since apologized for being insensitive... but Mr. Hayward, with all due respect from a former BP Amoco employee...

I want my ocean back first.


  1. I'd also like my 401K back, please.

  2. Personally I don't think Tony H. deserves his life back. He should be required to clean the wildlife he has contaminated until he dies.
