Monday, June 21, 2010

Three cheers for this mom...

Often, during lunch, I'll spend time catching up on my phone calls. As I sat in the shade of the parking lot maple, listening, sharing and laughing, a Land Rover practically squealed it's tires coming to a stop alongside me.

I looked over in time to see an obviously frustrated woman open the driver door and whip around the back of the SUV. Then, I heard it... I guess I knew it was coming and I was not alone. Her child must have known it was coming too. I heard the door open and mom pulled the kid out. Utilizing my best eavesdropping-but-trying-not-to-look-like-it skills, I heard mom say, "This is ridiculous behavior and you know it. Now, turn around!" Pop, Pop.

Like Santa, mom put the child back into the car and - in a flash - was back in her seat as well. And, they were gone. I did not hear a cry or a peep from the child - which indicated to me, he or she knew it was a well-deserved pit stop.

Now, some people might be horrified by this scene. I was cheering this mom along. Go mom... don't be afraid to teach your children how to act!

It's good to see the ol' "Don't make me stop this car" is in full effect.

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