Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Who's your Daddy?

Tuesday was just not a great day. Nothing craptacular of note, just nothing good with a few "seriously!"'s thrown in for good measure...but enough of a notably "not good" day that I struggled to smile through dinner with friends - even with two shots of tequila.

So, Wednesday, I decided, would be better. On my way to the office, I stopped and picked up a Starbucks Hot Chocolate sprinkled with just a skosh of espresso for pep. (I don't normally drink caffeine and never drink coffee, but I was stacking the deck). As I sat at the light on a calm back road just a third of a mile from the office, I repeated aloud: "It will be a better day. It will be a better day. It will - " -----BOOM!! A car hit me from behind. Really.

No damage to the car, just a little spilled hot cocoa and a reminder of who is in charge.

1 comment:

  1. it will.. boom. I can picture that scene on my mind! You made me laugh. lol
