Friday, December 24, 2010

And so this is Christmas...

As I sit snuggled on the couch, feet toasty in an early present to myself, I watch the opulence of the final shopping day of the season on the Today Show and I reflect on how hard it must be for my good friend who lost her father yesterday.

So, rather than reflecting on the lights, the rush and the pretty presents, I'm thinking about Shannon's loss and the gift she had. Shannon shared her father's birthday - it was probably the earliest sign of how close they would be throughout her life. And, whether it was due to their shared sign or just their blood, they also had matching personalities. Dad Goodman was smart, intensely protective of his loved ones, deeply caring but quiet with regard to those feelings and he loved the freedom of his motorcycle.

Not many people get to know her at this level (she is her father's daughter, after all), so while listening to Shannon's tears, the story of her loss and the true sense of being lost over the phone, I want to be there to provide a shoulder, an ear - whatever she needs - all the while knowing nothing can make this better.

Yesterday, Shannon lost her best friend. And, now, I understand the meaning of a Blue Christmas.

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