Monday, May 17, 2010

Pot... meet Kettle

The other day, while sitting at the vet with my beloved Smokey Joe (a.k.a. Smoke Dog), I had the most bizarre discussion... sharing it here for all to enjoy.

Smokey needed a rabies update, so we went to the vet. While we were waiting, I sat next to a woman with a cat. After a few minutes and very little chit chat, she stated she was drawn to pray for me. She asked if it was ok... now, I don't turn down Flu shots when the doctor asks (because I have a little voice in my head that says I will inevitably catch it if I turn it down) so I did not turn down prayer... I mean, really, why would I?

She asked if my back was hurting and I said no, so she asked what she could pray for...well, I decided financial health is never a bad thing (especially at the Vet!)So, she said a very nice prayer for God to watch over me and to provide - as he always does. I said Amen and thought we were done... I was wrong.

It seems that my attire (cargo shorts, t-shirt, flip flops and a ball cap) alone drove her opinion of me (I called it lazy, she called it Lesbian). And, she decided to tell me that God had helped her get off of drugs and alcohol after 20 years and she felt she needed to share. Get this... apparently, God loves me even if he doesn't agree with my lifestyle.

Now...not having spoken to this woman previously and certainly not having shared an iota of my life with her, I'm not sure how this revelation came about, but I did feel the need to say Amen. (Mostly because I thought... well, God does love everyone - even the ones who throw stones).

You see, I KNEW God didn't think I should be working for a living. That said, if you could all send $20 my way, I'll get on with a lifestyle God and I would both appreciate.

Thanks in advance!

P.S. Please tell your friends... I don't have enough followers to make the financial impact both God and I desire.

1 comment:

  1. LOL. That would have sent me into a rant for days. I'm glad you could find humor in it. Very funny story.
